June 14: TALK’s 8th Annual Cyber Security Summit

What: TALK’s 8th Annual Cyber Security Summit
Date: June 14, 2024, a Friday
Location: Sullivan University.  3101 Bardstown Road, Louisville, KY 40205 in Rm. 254 upstairs, the auditorium, above the ramped entrance (located on the east side of the building closest to Farmington.) We recommend you enter through the main Administration Building, lobby level. (This location has its own parking and picnic area, if weather permits.) Park anywhere on campus. No fee.
Who: Tech and Cyber professional attendees
Cost: $35.00 — You Must Register on Eventbrite! (Register in advance or by check at the door.)

Sponsors for this TALK Event:

The entire tentative agenda is as follows:
8:30 AM – Donuts with Coffee/Networking
9 AM “The New Realities of Scaling AI While Balancing Cybersecurity.” Keynote: Dip Patel, Chief Technology Officer, Soluna Computing.

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10 AM – “Working With a Limited Security Budget” with Richard Connor, President of Lockstock.
11 AM–“Preparing for Deepfake Phishing Attacks in the Enterprise.” Moderator: Dawn Yankeelov, CEO of TALK, and President of Aspectx. Panelists Include: Elias Oxendine, VP Information Security & Privacy, Tractor Supply Company; Jim Eastridge, SVP Information Security Officer, The Cecilian Bank; Da-Wyone Haynes, Regional Infragard President + Aegon Global Technology Services – Mgr., Infrastructure Security Services – SIEM; and Eric Satterly, CIO of Jefferson County Public Schools.

Lunch at Noon — Boxed Lunches plus Mini-Trade Show.
1 PM – Government Panel: “How Can Government Resources Boost Your Security in 2024 and Election Security Planning.” Speakers: Colin Glover, CISA KY; Andrew Satornino, Cyber Squad, FBI Louisville; KY CISO David Carter; and Metro Louisville Government CISO James Meece.

2 PM – “Thinking Further About AI & Cybersecurity: The Pluses and Minuses” panel discussion—Moderator  Jeremy Miller, Lionfish Cyber Security.  Panelists:  Jordan Johnson, Senior Cyber Security Consultant, Dean, Dorton; Sunny Dronawat, CEO, Samiteon; and Dip Patel, Chief Technology Officer, Soluna Computing.

.3 PM – “Mastering Threat Intelligence & What’s Ahead” Speaker: Justin Perron, Partner 13 Layers.  

4 PM – Event Concludes.