7th Annual TALK Cyber Security Summit 2023–June 16th

What: TALK’s 7th Annual Cyber Security Summit
Date: June 16, 2023, a Friday
Location: Bellarmine University’s Nolen C. Allen Hall, Room 460 A & B. 2120 Newburg Rd., Louisville, KY 40205. (This location has its own parking and picnic area, if weather permits.)
Who: 120 anticipated tech and cyber professionals attendees
Cost: None — You Must Register on Eventbrite! (at least 3 days before the event.)  SOLD OUT!
A special thank you to our sponsors:

The entire tentative agenda is as follows:
8:30 AM – Continental Breakfast with Coffee/Networking
9 AM – “Gone Phishing: Exploring the Latest & Greatest Threats & Combat Tactics.” Moderator: Eric Satterly, CIO, Bellarmine University. Panelists:
Jordan Johnson, Cyber Security Consultant, Dean, Dorton; Jim Kramer, IT Consulting Team Leader/Partner, MCM CPAs & Advisors; and Jeff Gladney, Owner, Phoenix IT
10 AM – “Achieving Compliance, Resilience & Cyber Staff Training in the Same Breath” with Jeremy Miller, CEO of Lionfish Cyber Security.
11 AM–NIST AI Framework discussion. “Dancing Between Cybersecurity & AI—Learn the Moves.” Pamela Gupta, CEO, Trusted AI, an Outsecure company.
Lunch at Noon — Boxed Lunches plus Mini-Trade Show.
1 PM – Government Panel: “An Update on Resources, Procedures, & Trends Seen By Government in Cybersecurity.” Speakers: Colin Glover, CISA KY; KY Deputy Information Security Officer Bob Brooks; and Metro Louisville Government CISO James Meece.

View Powerpoint presentations by Bob Brooks and James Meece:

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2 PM – “Tuning In: How Generative AI Will Impact Your Cybersecurity Needs” panel discussion—Moderator Dawn Yankeelov. Panelists Include: YUM brands CISO Elias Oxendine; Da-Wyone Haynes, Infragard President + Aegon Global Technology Services – Mgr., Infrastructure Security Services – SIEM; Kurt Johnson, Security Engineer–Ohio/Kentucky, Checkpoint; and Ed McGillis, Business Process & Data Optimization Team Leader, Dean, Dorton.
3 PM – “Ransomware and Designing a Better Incident Response Plan”  Richard Connor, President of Lockstock.
4 PM – Event Concludes.