Your local tech council gives you the opportunity to have a voice as an organization, and as an individual working in your technology field. We offer you the ability to engage in workforce development, economic development, public policy, networking and educational events, and special opportunities to work with STEM curricula and youth.
If you are interested in particular subjects, we are open to engaging with you to build programmatic opportunities to bring together new communities.
We currently have several key events each year that would be of value to you:
–The Tech Flyin held in DC in partnership with TECNA, the Technology Councils of North America, for TALK members. This requires a membership in our organization, and will be held in the month of April each year in Washington, DC over two days. This covers public policy on key issues facing our nation from immigration to cryptocurrency to broadband to national security subjects. Join us next year in 2024.
–TALK’s Techfest Louisville. We host a two-day festival geared at showing the tech issues at hand, and giving an oportunity to all C-Suite professionals, entrepreneurs and those working at every level in technology to see what the future may hold. The next event will be in August 2024, moving from every other year to every year! Stay tuned for more details as the planning begins!
–TALK’s CyberSecurity Summit is held each year in mid-June. This is for C-Suite professionals as well as those working in technology fields to have a deeper understanding of our national security and subjects ranging from personal privacy to industrial controls to threat intelligence, and cybersecurity breach management. In 2023, this event will be tentatively held on June 14, 2024.
–STEAM Curricula for youth. Each summer and select weekends throughout the year our organization will put on special events for youth. We are a partner with various organizations to this end, including and Jefferson County Public Schools for robotics programming camps for high school age students; the Rad Science Skateboard Build with Marwood Veneer for teens; and TechGirlZ, which has its own curricula we implement in regional elementary and middle schools. We look forward to volunteers and others assisting in the seeking and application of grants, as well as direct participation in leading classes.