Apple subsidiary, FileMaker,Inc., is partnering with the Kentuckiana FileMaker Developers Group, for a free presentation of the latest version of their powerful development platform, FileMaker Pro, at the Renaissance Academy in Clarksville, IN, on June 16th.
FileMaker Pro is in use on the campuses of nearly every Fortune 500 company and millions more desktops and mobile devices at organizations large and small around the world for more than two decades. FileMaker Pro is also the only tool available that allows non-programmers to enable Windows and Mac desktops, iOS devices and web browsers to access the same data-based solutions no matter where they are.
Representatives from FileMaker, Inc. in Santa Clara, CA, will be on-hand to demonstrate new features and technologies in the just-released version of the powerful productivity tool at the high-tech campus of Renaissance Academy in Clarksville, IN on June 16th. Lunch will be provided at 12. The presentation begins at 1:00 and is expected to finish up by 3:00.
The Kentuckiana FileMaker Developers Group recently celebrated five years of meeting monthly to share tips and training related to the many ways to employ FileMaker Pro to enhance all manner of workflow and data-management processes.
FileMaker, Inc., an Apple subsidiary since 1998, delivers innovative software to easily create custom business solutions for iPad, iPhone, Windows, Mac and the web.
Clarksville School District’s Renaissance Academy opened in the fallof 2014, and is part of the New Technology Network, schools across the country that are changing the way students are being educated for the 21st Century.
DATE: June 16, 2015; Time: 12:00 to 3:00 PM, Location: Renaissance Academy; 806 Eastern Blvd., Clarksville IN 47129
*Lunch: catered by Jucy’s Smokehouse Bar-B-Q of Pewee Valley (known for their “hickory-smoked, Texas-style” offerings), lunch will include barbecue, bread, cole slaw and the usual works. And you don’t even have to bring your own Big Gulp, because soft drinks are provided, too!
This event is free to all and includes lunch* and door prizes. RSVP requested, but not required.
RSVP: Contact: Jonathan Fletcher, 502-509-7137Contact: Jonathan Fletcher * FileMaker Certified Developer (9 thru 13) Fletcher Data Consulting, LLC * A FileMaker Business Alliance Partner *** 502-509-7137* Kentuckiana’s FileMaker Developers Group Next meeting: Tuesday, June 16th, noon to 3:30