If you have not gone to Washington, DC for a 2-day Flyin to discuss tech policy with your legislators and other tech council members, this is your chance! Join TALK at the TECNA Flyin with your tech peers from across the country! This event begins with a night reception on… Read more“Join TALK at the TECNA FLYIN–April 28-29 to Have a Voice in the Nation’s Tech Policy”
JOIN TALK for the TECNA Flyin to DC: April 9 & 10th
Join us in Washington, DC, on April 9 & 10, 2024, as we bring together members of Congress and key federal stakeholders with leaders in the tech community to discuss policy priorities. Joining the TALK delegation with the Tech Councils of North America (TECNA) you will have an opportunity to… Read more“JOIN TALK for the TECNA Flyin to DC: April 9 & 10th”
TALK Opens Summer Cyber Camp Registration for Youth With UPS Funding
The Technology Association of Louisville Kentucky has launched its cyber camps program at no cost to participating middle and high school youth in West Louisville this summer with funding provided by United Parcel Service of America, Inc. (UPS). Registration is now open at LCCC and Neighborhood House. See contacts below…. Read more“TALK Opens Summer Cyber Camp Registration for Youth With UPS Funding”
TALK Partnership Offers Free Cybersecurity Training for Educators
The Technology Association of Louisville Kentucky (TALK) is partnering with the National Integrated Cyber Education Research Center (NICERC) and the Kentucky Computer Science Teachers Association to identify up to 20 high school teachers across the state for the opportunity to attend the 2016 Education Discovery Forum in Dallas, TX on… Read more“TALK Partnership Offers Free Cybersecurity Training for Educators”
TALK’s Techfest Plans underway for August 2015 at Henry Clay Building
TALK’s first Techfest is scheduled for August 20-21, 2015 in Louisville, KY being held at the Henry Clay Building. TechFest is a first-year event that will educate, connect, and entertain the audience of coders, designers, leaders, and makers. We’ll bring in national and regional speakers and vendors to cover a… Read more“TALK’s Techfest Plans underway for August 2015 at Henry Clay Building”