TOPIC: “What 5G Can Do For You!”
DATE: Nov. 15, 2019
TIME: 5:30 PM Networking begins. 6 PM presentation.
PRESENTER: Phillip K. Brown, Government Affairs Manager, Central Area, Crown Castle (crowncastle.com)
FEE TO ATTEND: Free. All business and tech professionals welcome.
FOOD & DRINK: Cocktails & Appetizers. Cash Bar.
LOCATION: 900 E. Main St., 3rd Floor
REGISTRATION on Eventbrite or send email to dawny@talklou.com
SPONSOR: Crown Castle

We will take a deep dive at what Kentucky will see in the areas of 5G, and discuss some of the cities already deploying 5G projects. 5G is the next generation of wireless connectivity. Verizon announced that it intends to launch its 5G Ultra Wideband network in more than 30 U.S. cities by the end of this year, including Indy.
AT &T has 5G operating in Louisville in certain areas. Through a combination of technologies—including millimeter waves, small cells , and fiber—5G is capable of delivering data rates as high as 1 gigabit per second. That’s 20x faster than current networks and comparable to the speeds you get from a wired connection like cable or fiber optic internet service. That’s a big deal.
We don’t yet know all the new innovations 5G will bring. That’s part of what makes it so exciting. But it’s already clear that it will launch new industries and fundamentally change how many existing businesses operate:
· AR (augmented reality) and VR (virtual reality) technologies in classrooms, libraries, and museums will transform the way we learn—and explore the world.
· By combining the digital world with the real world in front of you, new technologies will merge online and in-store experiences. Many experts predict that 5G will pave the way for new developments in AR and VR technologies that could spur entire new industries.
· Connected machinery is making industries like manufacturing, construction, and mining safer and more efficient. Remote controlled machinery allows for safer responses to emergency situations such as landslides, earthquakes, flooding, and fires.