This event occurred in the past. For the 2023 TALK Cyber Security Summit go here! Event: TALK’s 5th Annual Cybersecurity Summit 2021 Event Date: June 18, 2021 Virtual & Free Sponsors: Verizon & Cisco Register for Each Session by Clicking on the Title Which Will Take You to Eventbrite by… Read more“TALK’s 5th Annual Cybersecurity Summit 2021”
Tag: Cybersecurity Summit
The TALK CyberSecurity Summit Will Be Held June 14th at The Sullivan College of Technology & Design

Last Call! You can get a ticket for the next full-day event, our TALK Cybersecurity Summit, on June 14th by following these instructions! Event Details: Calling All IT Professionals and Business Owners! Cost: Just $45 includes lunch and appetizers at the cocktail hour. Cash Bar. REGISTRATION: On Eventbrite; Do It… Read more“The TALK CyberSecurity Summit Will Be Held June 14th at The Sullivan College of Technology & Design”
Buy Your Tickets for the June 14th TALK CyberSecurity Summit on Eventbrite
You can get a ticket for the next full-day event, our TALK Cybersecurity Summit, on June 14th! Event Details: Calling All IT Professionals and Business Owners! Cost: Just $45 includes lunch and appetizers at the cocktail hour REGISTRATION: On Eventbrite; Do It Today! KEY SPONSORS: FORTINET, ASPECTX, FROST, BROWN &… Read more“Buy Your Tickets for the June 14th TALK CyberSecurity Summit on Eventbrite”
Slides from the TALK Cybersecurity Summit 2017
These slides are brought you courtesy of our sponsors and speakers from the TALK Cybersecurity Summit 2017 held on June 15th at the LCCC in Louisville, Ky. Sponsors include: UPS, IT Network Consultants, LCCC, and Aspectx. Keynote Rodney Petersen, National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE), National Institute of Standards and… Read more“Slides from the TALK Cybersecurity Summit 2017”
Biographies: Welcome to Our TALK Cybersecurity Summit Speakers
TALK Cybersecurity Summit 2017 Date: June 15, 2017 Speaker Biographies To Review and Contacts Rodney Petersen, Director of the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) Rodney Petersen is the director of the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in the… Read more“Biographies: Welcome to Our TALK Cybersecurity Summit Speakers”